Welcome to the MOASWF Leadership Page
One of the many great things about serving, and having served, in the U. S. Military is the sense of camaraderie and belonging that it fosters. Even years after servicemen and women separate from the military, thousands still seek out military support organizations to rekindle that sense of pride, camaraderie and belonging.
I am proud to be a leader in one such organization, the Military Officers Association of Southwest Florida. Our membership includes those who served proudly in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines or Coast Guard, along with Surviving Spouses of those who served and civic-minded individuals who support the military.
As you might imagine, ours is a treasure trove of stories and experiences. But our Chapter is not just about camaraderie. The phrase “Never Stop Serving” guides our thinking and our mission statement is simple and direct—Supporting the Military Community. We have done this through our support of local JROTC programs, the Collier-Lee Honor Flight, the Collier County Veterans Council, and through opportunities for our members to gather and socialize.
Our Board is continually evaluating ways to support the military community in Southwest Florida, of which our own members are a valuable part.
Thank you for visiting our website and please reach out to me with any thoughts or suggestions you have about our website or on how our Chapter can fulfill its mission of Supporting the Military Community.
Please reach out to me via email jtcahoon@aol.com
Jeff Cahoon
President, MOASWF
Board of Directors 2024
MAJ Jeff Cahoon, President
MAJ Jessica Stearns, 1st Vice President
LCDR Robert Perfetto, 2nd Vice President
CAPT Jack Fulmer, Treasurer
LTJG Neil Frost, Secretary
Board Members
Admiral Jerry Johnson
CDR Jeff Kuhnreich
1 LT Cliff Sasfy
Immediate Past President Susan Farr
Board Advisors
Personal Affairs – BG Ed Brandt
Membership – Jeff Cahoon
Legislative – CDR Jeff Kuhnreich
Surviving Spouse Liaison – Cassie Demetsky
Past President – Susan Farr